First and first most lemme define the word "WHEAT".

     Wheat is a grass widely cultivated worldwide staple food.The many species of wheat together make up the wheat


  • Good enriched wheat flour is a source of iron.
  • Also a source of several vitamins and minerals including manganese, phosporus and copper.


  1. A clean potWater.
  2. Gascooker/stove.
  3. wheatflour.
  4. Stirer (wood).
  5. Rubber cutter. 
  6. Plate.

    These are the steps to follows;

  1. First lay your measure water on fire(gas cooker,stove etc).
  2. Make sure the water reach the boiling point(100 degree).
  3. After that take small quantities of water from that boiling water with rubber cup.
  4. Tear the nylon of the wheat and pour the powder(flour) inside the water and turn it with your TURNING STICK in both direction.
  5. Make sure you really turn it well to prevent it not to be having unsmooth face.
  6. After that,add small quantities of hot water from that cup and then cover it  to allow it to strong.
  7. After 5minutes remove the cover even before you remove the cover you might have been sensing the aroma.
  8. Use the turning to turn it and smooth.
  9. Then take it from the pot and serve yourself.
N.B: egunsi soup is the best soup that follows.

 stage 1;boiling of water

Stage 2;you bring out the wheat powder flour and tear.

Stage 3; turn the powder wheat inside the hot water ,proceed by turning it  with stirer.
Stage 4; Add small water to cook it.